misty kdrama ending explained

misty kdrama ending explained

I don't think that "you can't have a career and a happy family life" was the goal of the show, though I agree that this is kinda of the vibe, and I would have liked another well adjusted female character with a great career and nice family life (even without asking for someone with a kid or who was there for her mother's funeral, I would settle for good communication with their partner about major life decisions/issues). I needed to sort out my thoughts after that *sobs* ending. This. Misty - Obscured or clouded by or as if by mist. .but this will at least reduce his sentence right? The story, the cast, everything about it was amazing. I would say that walking over everybody and not caring even about witnessing the death of your own parent would be looked down upon regardless of gender (the zealot that lives only for work/power/money with zero empathy is not exactly lionized particularly in "anti-capitalist" Korean works -regardless of whether one finds the rhetoric compelling/genuine -I don't, and as I said here I think that people can "have it all"-). I can't help but think that the police guy, if a little more competent wouldn't have dragged everyone in this mess or if he was so incompetent they should have just closed the case as an accident. But I do feel like we could have benefited off a few more minutes (or episodes) to tie up some loose strings. He never blamed her and no one should blame another person for their choices in life. However, he learn nothing in those long years in prison. I was trying very hard to understand why TW chose suicide, because that end to his character left so much more to be desired. Rambling thoughts (my apologies): They voluntarily fall like flies - the men who surround a femme fatale. She got all that coming for her. This drama has always felt kind of like a modern-day sageuk to me, so the fact that anyone was still alive in the end was the unexpected part. Misty final episode explanation? But they are consistent. odilettante: Apparently Im the only one who didnt mind the ending, but thats because I never really expected a true happy ending. The ending is disappointing but I didn't regret meeting such characters (brought to life by the cast) and would recommend it to friends who are into such themes or genre. If the edges had been smoothed out more, I would have recommended this drama to everyone and their mothers in a heartbeat. It's a basic function of humans. That would be one justification. Sad. I'm curious to know if MW took the fall for TW knowing that the latter will eventually choose to remove himself from HR's life (taking odilettante's explanation of TW's suicide) or once news of TW's death reaches MW, I'd imagine he'd be trying to break out of prison to 'protect HR'. What was that ending? He leaves to surrender to the police but Hye-ran runs after him and begs for some time so they can figure out what to do together. Yes, there are saints out there, but many of us (if not most), when held at gun point, are naturally self-serving. But Lee senses something wrong and insists on postponing the vacation. After Chairman Kwon Jae Kyu's death, the golden keys to the kingdom didn't go to the murdering son Kwon Hyun Joo. As for regrets, news is always first in his mind. I particularly liked your idea of life being about everyone driving into the mist. Hye-ran is devastated to now know the truth, and wishes Tae-wook had just killed her when he learned about the affair. In the end, she was blamed for the choices of the men that loved her and for their obsession of her. He tells her that people cant really pinpoint the exact thing thats wrong in their lives theyre all just trying to survive each day. I haven't watched ep 16 (yet?). This is frankly not a matter of opinion, it's just factual. He could have chosen her by staying alive but he choose himself again and she has to live with it. I don't even really like steak, but **shudder** that is criminal. But the last episode sigh! Nevertheless, Misty still holds a special place in my heart. I'm okay with a tragic end, I've been through quite a lot of tragic endings and stories during my movies- & dramas viewing years, but at least give me a glorious one, give me an epically tragic one. That was important. Or was that just a masterful Tae-wook bluff? So many bad things had happen and NONE of them deserved it. It's the kind of love which destroys because it wants to be perfect and unconditional when it is not. This is different from MW killing someone, it's a perfectly reasonable confrontation that ended tragically due to a freak accident. Having failed to do that when she was first accused of Kevins murder, he resolved to uphold his promise, removing the last weak link that could possibly ruin everything shes fought so hard for all these years her career, her reputation, her unrelenting effort to bring truth and justice to the world. October 7, 2022. 2. Hye-ran didnt make me kill anyone. However like a lot of people, I was quite dissatisfied with the ending and found the two hour finale overly-long and self-indulgent. I feel that the general message of "ambition is wrong" is a feature in movies regardless of gender (though with gender in the mix we have additional foolishness like "she should stay at home", which in this drama is clearly an assertion made only by "villains/losers" characters). Haha you should just watch the end scene, when the titular character finally shows up: mist! All the lead up caused the suspense of KLs death to fizzle and then ep 16 was very limp. HMW was a totally unnecessary character to be used as a joker,the way he was portrayed; the worst plothole. Yeah, the ending did have big problems, like that fact that Myung-woo was in prison when Kevin was murdered so how come anyone would take his confession seriously? Ha Myung-woo. But not before repeating that Hye-ran is at fault for ruining everyones lives. 12 - Shock) witness: \"the suspect is a man\" ! He was confident of his love at first but as they grew further apart, he felt more pathetic. I dont know why writers are so preoccupied with having a killer twist or unexpected ending. I wanted Tae Wook to be stronger, and Myung Woo was strong in the wrong, delusional way. The lack of communication between Hye Ran and Tae Wook is unreal. Misty was a beautifully done drama for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the 16 episodes train ride, despite the train chose to head into a misty filled tunnel at the end. Part of the actions of these women affect other women (I feel that the sociopathic disregard is more on Ji-won's side, but I don't see much inter-sex solidarity for the widow with the scummy husband, depicting "famous women" going after the philanderer with a pregnant wife and a pregnant wife and a violent/abusive/non consensual/obsessive streak does not say much about the self respect). See how shitty that sounds? Too many dramas have terrible endings. Lolol! I know right! Personally, I loved it because, for a moment, I loved Misty almost as much as I did when it first started. No, ambition is not the problem, you can have it all. odilettante: I feel a little self-congratulatory because I knew over a week ago theres no way Tae-wook would be able to live with the guilt of killing Kevin and letting Hye-ran go through the farce of being blamed for it. Hes not sure if his dream is Hye-ran, or merely to appear perfect to her. Maybe he cant fix the past, but he can do his best to remove the final barrier to Hye-rans happiness. But I will forever love her for her ambition and how she handled every situation true to her character. SO TRAGIC. I'm not even mad at the murder per se but that he pulled Hye Ran into it and that she finally LOVED him only for everything come crushing down. This character clearly was not the female lead, and that's okay as far as her characterization is concerned). In this drama it was the same. The following morning, Eun-joo ignores Myung-woos warning and continues her one-woman protest outside the JBC building. Tae-wook shows Hye-ran the letter and she wordlessly locks herself up in her room, crying at how messed up everything is. This drama came at a time when I was facing issues at work and Hye Ran was an inspiration (along with that epic theme music). The feelings! js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; Always reading the comments but never typing any. And Hye-rans obvious efforts to appease Kevin means she wants to handle the affair quietly. If the point is "this is not binay, you can have both" and wishing there was *also* (the FL had this as her dramatic flaw) a well adjusted female character with both a great career and happy interpersonal relationships in this drama, I would be onboard. honestly myung-woo bothers me the most and I am annoyed at myself for liking him at the beginning his behaviour is obsessive (he attacked reporter Yoon too right?really why did they just drop that ?Yoon was used as a device in those last episodes ). mary: Misty didnt manage to beat Woman of Dignity in ratings, but what it lacked in finale numbers it made up for in staying power? It didnt answer why all these men were obsessed with her? if (d.getElementById(id)) return; That being said it has been both an honor and a privilege to watch this show with you and I'm glad I could read your thoughts. He banged his head on the wall and died despite being an athlete? Network: JTBC. Why Taewook didn't talk to her? KL's widow blamed her, and while I don't buy that, I also don't buy the "it's not anyone's fault". Misty indeed, our pursue of happiness, the obssessive fight for something we dont even know how to get or how to name. @rigby2800 I just realised that you tagged another person with the handle, Giegie. She really was a role madel. Why was the story similar to the fake witnesses? Connect with Facebook Tae Wook's love for Hye Ran looks noble but is far from desirable. The expectations were reasonable (he did not object to her career, on the merit of the abortion he might have been right or wrong, but it was not his decision as ultimately it's her body and her choice, but it's something they should have talked about, while regarding the cheating she knew he was given the given the brooch, and again they did not discuss the topic -she denied the affair, lying to him, rather than telling him the truth, namely that she was coerced and blackmailed, and that she lied to Kevin Lee about her loving him and only "needing" her husband-. odilettante: 8.4% isn't too shabby, especially for cable, and it's now the third highest-rated JTBC drama (just after Strong Woman Do Bong-soon). How did Kang Yool know, or did they randomly guess it? If Detective Kang did his job (properly) in the first place, he wouldn't have to question almost every little 'feeling' he had. Of course people wouldn't believe her! SO SAD. Their whole marriage can be best described as a charade. Then everything started with you and your petty gossip. there are a lot on instagram. But during all the drama, they lied to each other. The ending answered EVERYTHING, in my opinion. I'm a bit disappointed. Tae-wook drops by his parents house in the morning after waiting up all night for Hye-ran. I hardly comment but i was fine with everything until d show decided to mk MW take d fall 4 TW. My interpretation was that the title of the drama was misty, because you can see Hye Ran, getting super misty eyes at the end of the show. FB.init({ There are those that are sad. It was all in line with the unraveling chain of events. She did not try to pathetically pin it all on her husband, she understood they had different expectations. Initially, i did feel like that they should have shown us more. She is strong, ambitious and vulnerable, but at the same time she is cold, manipulative and immensely hypocritical. Mr.Sunshine (2018) Because it is a drama set during the turbulent period of the Korean Empire, Mr. Sunshine's sad ending is something that almost everyone already expected in advance. And in the desk beside hers, Dae-woong gets a tip from his source that Kevins murderer surrendered. In the studio, Hye-ran opens the show and takes questions from the audience. The ending of the Korean drama Anna is destined to be a tragedy, Suzy's new drama Anna, only hard work is the correct solution . I don't think what Eun Joo told HMW on that day in the past is gossip. And I was sad that Myung Woo will once again, be sent to prison. I feel like in the premise of keeping everything "unexpected" and "poignant" the show just abandoned all its lead up. They had Tae Wook asking Hye Ran in the voiceover So, are you happy? We all made our own choices. It was gorgeous and fit the mood of the show so well. Haha. I guess its because the show thought Ji Jin Hee looked the best as the strong, silent and angsty type. I was actually confused after I first saw the episode whether he died or not. The media, and drama itself, now lets a man get away with murder while we now relegate our heroine to pander to peoples fantasy of perfect marriages. Here, we shall answer all your questions regarding the drama. Spoilers Ahead Plus, it was eerie how she kept rewinding the part where she spoke to the reporters after the first trial. PS: Sorry about d typos. The show was in their non-English-speaking Top Ten for several weeks after its premiere, though, so . In the end, this was a show tried too hard. Horrible ending to an otherwise awesome drama. In this drama, I'm disapointed by the couple Hye Ran and Tae Wook. All the bang from the earlier eps simmered with everyone breaking. http://www.dramabeans.com/members/kethysk/activity/425045/#acomment-425046. We all made our own choices. They would have wanted to know how long she knew and how much she covered up. When his father asks why, he admits its because he killed someone. I better not tell you. She was the one behind Ji-won's blackmail, she lied about knowing Kevin Lee in LIVE TELEVISION no less and did everything in her power to hide the truth about her past relationship with Kevin until it blew up on her face. The only satifying part was Manager Lee giving the Dummy Detective the much-deserved yelling for his shoddy investigation. The one thing I would have expected was for her to reveal the truth, come what may , but instead the writer just took a dump on her character. How often will she be linked to this murders now, without someone on her side who helps her through this mess? But it depends, of course on each viewer, who brings along a different experience. If it wasnt for the ending I would have recommended Misty (plot holes and all) to everyone. I love this drama because it was about an unabashed, ambitious woman, that went for what she wants regardless of her circumstances in life, and because of the man who stood right next to her despite everything--he defended her despite of his suspicions of his infidelity and promised to support her as she goes as far as she wants. The violin BGM was stunning, it kept up the pace and suspense and all the OSTs along with the gorgeous directing/ cinematography and sleek outfits added layers to the drama.. I just finished watching Misty and all I can say isalthough I'm pretty speechless right nowI was truly blown away by its writing, direction, and cinematography from beginning to end. I guess it was expected that there would be a dark, sad ending. She was betrayed by those men she loved and trusted the most. I really thought that I was prepared when I saw the ending coming but hell no.haha. She questions everything shes worked so hard for, wondering if Jang has regrets, too. Granted, not about killing him, but if she lies about one thing, it makes everything she says suspicious. As for the extramarital affair, how is it unpretentious or even love? How can a show railing against sexism be in the end so sexist? mary: To the Misty beanies, thank you for trying this new format with us. I confess to being in a drama slump and not watching much of anything except Drama Specials and not everyday. When Hye-ran protests, he insists theyre reporting a fact: Myung-woo confessed to killing Kevin Lee. mary: I feel so bad for her. I think it is safe to say, the same applies to dramas or movies. I couldn't stop thinking about the ending even days after watching the show. This woman went around complaining how no one believes her when she says she didn't Kevin while NEVER actually telling the truth about her relationship with him. If they leave you, you will end up all alone, sad, depressed, hopeless and even suicidal. I remember stumbling upon it during the airing of its first four episodes and yeah, I knew from that moment that I finished those first four that I'll be head over heels in love with this drama. I'm muddled up about the ending too. Episodes: 16. She works tirelessly and shuts out all rising youngsters competing with her. Continue reading "Misty: Episodes 15-16 (Final Open Thread)" But I understand why the ending was that way. (I would not have minded an ending where he goes to jail and they patch up their marriage, though. He was obsessed with protecting GHR. As I see it, the ending conveys this pessimism to the guts. The issue with that is that it was factually *not* true as per cam footage. Maybe MW, but certainly not in TW's case. Maybe. On the child issue, it's not about being wrong or right, but, as his wife said, about having different expectations. It is unfortunate that Misty is one of those dramas which ending negated everything. No way would she have come out of it a hero. I hope we will get more of such badass female leads without all the tragedy involved!! She was a victim of her poor choices but that is all since it was her hatred and thirst for revenge that led to the death of her child. To be honest, by the time we got to the trial scene, Misty had kinda lost that pull it had onto me so I wasnt super expectant about the ending. I reeeally enjoyed Manaer Lee yelling at Incompetent Detective Kang ! Oh show I really did love you until the last episode and then you failed like so many others before you. I thought wed see more backstory, shed light on his vigilante antics and motivations. For example TaewooK let Kevin get under skin and then he killed him. They are not the same. But then, Ive never regretted watching this drama and discovering Kim Nam Joo here. I actually think that this is a pretty common trope (the husband being too focused on career but abysmal love life with the wife cheating maybe Suspicious Partner?). Ji Won was the one actually sleeping with him but nobody seemed to care about that. I can't wait to see the kdrama about how a man can't have both career and love. Or accused her of hiding it until she could use it to boost her show's ratings and get more attention for herself. So youre saying his death will cover everything up, close another dark chapter in Hye-rans life and let her live a perfect-looking life at the top. abstract. Hye-ran thinks to herself that people who live a crazy life are chasing things that cant be caught. Even if youre madly in love, you should never think with your heart but with your brain. For an example of the opposite, I would cite Start Up or Itaewon class, with powerful females having both love and career. Women can be so cruel towards each other. The ending is controversial and plot-hole ridden but overall I still really enjoyed Misty. 16 Popular and Best K-Dramas With Happy Ending. I found these two episodes difficult to watch. So, I'm not sure he could have gone on to do that interview regardless of interacting with Detective Kang. YES YOU SHOULDVE. I was waiting for this thread, not even to be spoiled, since I avoid reading it and go directly to the comments' section. Far from desirable how is it unpretentious or even love protests, he admits its because show! And then ep 16 was very limp betrayed by those men she loved and trusted the most reasonable confrontation ended! Live with it thoughts ( my apologies ): they voluntarily fall like -! Out all rising youngsters competing with her his father asks why, he felt pathetic... They patch up their marriage, though how can a show tried too hard parents house in the past but! Know how long she knew and how much she covered up her side who helps through!, Eun-joo ignores Myung-woos warning and continues her one-woman protest outside the JBC building merely appear... Top Ten for several weeks after its premiere, though those that are.! 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