please let me know which option you prefer

please let me know which option you prefer

Yeah, its more please give your overall thoughts or opinions on this matter versus a specific question. When I have a good relationship with someone and see please advise, I think nothing of it. Even when I would appreciate the complete info I am asking for much more than just any information. I almost never use it but I did a couple of weeks ago, because Hello? ?I suppose please advise is better than that or whatever expletives I might be thinking. Thats true, now that I think of it. +1. If I have one grievance to file about business email, it would be that I wish people wouldnt use words that they dont understand. Look what they did to poor MS Clippy! i think i use all the examples described so far, and its not really my problem if you find them annoying. Ok, I know its old but Ok, now that I think more about it, I dont usually just write, Please advise. I actually write Please advise on such and such or Please advise asap as my deadline is May 1. You guys are amazing. So, yeah, for that the please advise would be super annoying. It tells the subject being asked to advise (others) whom are relevant to the specific situation to be given information regarding that situation so everyone involved has the level of information that the person who requested please advise wanted to convey. Friday, 1/28: 10am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 4pm EST. Honestly, please advise drives me crazy too, but I 100% admit its because of who I associate with it. Sort it! Thats a great use for it. Request you to note the dates and let us know the way forward. I have the same problem. We can either 1) switch to white chocolate 2) continue with milk chocolate or 3) form a team to identify new chocolate options. *taps foot*. "Please let me know when a good time would be - to meet - to talk - to have lunch" Or "Please let me know when would b. 3 likes. Simple, straightforward, and to the point. Im too stupid to even attempt to determine what the next course of action might be, so Im not even going to suggest anything. I dont use that often, but when I do its because people occasionally read past the question parts of emails or respond to 1 out of the 2 things I need them to answer. I also accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Zelle as payment, let me know if you have any questions. It does seem a bit babyish, but I usually hear it used in an OMG I am so EXCITED about my upcoming fun event! way that is a bit more forgiving than if it was being used, say, to countdown to a work conference or something like that. She could have wrote let me know if you have any questions and I wouldnt have been offended at all. It is Something That Is Not Done in our culture (which tends to be very email/IM-focused). Your feedback helps us improve our service. I had to Google it the first time someone said it to me, because I wasnt sure if it was supposed to be vaguely insulting or extremely polite. Although I would agree that there are worse email offenses. However, I also think that in many cases, people like to use fancier language in writing because they think it makes them look smarter or more professional or something. Sure, but theres no reason to avoid Please advise.. I dont think Ive ever written please advise or received an email that ended this way, so it surprised me that so many people have such strong opinions on it. It was generally used when copying someones boss to point out said mistake (and maybe even copying ones team members as well). Feel free to let me know in the comments! And if I had to contact them again regarding the same manner, I would just say follow up. ", Thank you so much! Ive been using it to mean HALP, but it seems that in other places its more like Do the thing already! You need to say, at the end of the sentence, what it is you want both of you do. . Same here. Just adding a when you get a chance, thanks takes two seconds and is much more polite. Ok, whoops. Itd be a big category. Therefore, if I want to call someone, I ping them on IM first and then ask if its a convenient time to call. I then give background on my question. I'm definitely trying to be polite! I never heard the how many sleeps thing back in the UK I heard it for the first time when I moved to Canada. But obviously it struck a nerve with me, because Ive been thinking about it all day. When its just one delinquent person I usually begin with Hey I hate to be a pest but. I dont like gentle reminder either, but I think prefacing this kind of request with Just a reminder without the gentle is not a bad idea. I would use Please advise where I need a definite answer. So, I figured, maybe Im explaining this badly. I bet these are the same thrifty people who are saving their turn signals for some special occasion. Yes, agreed. Maybe its location based but where I am at, people find my emails abrupt so I have to add the gentler language. Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. I would be happy to hear irritating, stupid stuff all day, if I was getting paid. Ummmmmmm. They have bolded passages, underlined passages, bolded AND underlined passages, and lines in all caps. is not business-like as you said. I use please advise or let me know. I want the recipient to know I need a response and that it is not just an fyi. Unfortunately, if I dont use those phrases, I dont get an answer/response. Their natural automatic understanding of the words is just different from what the speaker wanted to make understood. ****-----------------------THE BASE:This listing is for one *large* toony African wild dog foam base to make your own fursuit or mascot costume. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. should I tell the truth in my exit interview? Could we meet on Tuesday instead?" Well, to be fair, I was trying to derail his political career. I suspect that it just didnt translate well in to English. But they're both correct, they're both natural, and they're both used commonly. I receive emails a lot from Indian English speakers and they often use the phrase Please do the needful or Kindly do the needful which at first I thought seemed rude, but now I see that its just their way of saying that phrase. You obviously understand what they are saying but choose to read more of a personal message into it. Ill ask for advice, input, and/or guidance, but never with that hated two-word statement. He ended the email with please advise. I am not a fan of please advise either but it is pretty common and probably not meant to sound rude. Sometimes Id be copied in as a courtesy, other times someone was expecting an answer from me, and sometimes I was supposed to understand that I should NOT reply even if I knew the answer (because of the political implications of the message, the people on the email chain, etc.). In fact, I prefer it much more to someone writing to my boss and asking them and tacking on Sunflower didnt answer my email when I had no clue she needed a response. should you wish. For me, I always feel weird finishing the body of the email with my question. So dont do drugs. If the person who sends you emails with this is in is known for being demanding and bratty, then you have a problem, and it isnt that they say please advise in their emails. ", Reliable, meticulous and astonishingly prompt. Yes, this is how I use please advise. Maybe its worse, but I use This is a reminder that and then This is your 2nd reminder notice that and finally This is your 3rd reminder that.. Exactly! I use Please Advise as a last ditch effort to obtain a response from a decision maker in my companys corporate office. Im still unconvinced that it is bad form. I admit that I use it a little more often when Im frustrated about something, but there are times when it really is the best possible phrase to use in my opinion. if (w.addEventListener) { its only used when i know theyll do it. var loader = function () { And grammatically speaking, not all requests for a response have to be phrased as a question. + Read the full interview, Zubair Alam Chowdhury, Technical Support Specialist, TextRanch has helped me to improve my written skills as well as to communicate more naturally, like a local English speaker. To me "Let me know what suits you best" sounds better. My boss uses this and tells me to use it. sleeps is possibly an Aussie thing? Ill use Please advise when forwarding a question from one party to another when I dont know what question needs to be asked. They also like to use gentle reminder and thanks in advance. Is that incorrect, Sparrow? I do as well. If you're looking for a complete and built-in experience on your smartphone, you must take a glance at Emerald Chat mobile on your browser of selection. No errors on these teapots. I dont know how to line up a potential solution if I dont know what solutions exist, and thats why Im contacting them in the first place. People who arent being that way would just ask what do you think? or how should i handle? . Just ask a direct question or make a decision or leave me alone, but quit spouting off please advise and then wait for me to fill the silence. To me the phrase comes off a bit condescending. And its also a way of warning others that people are jumping line and I am not happy about it. Please advise. If both are wrong then what would be the right thing to say. This. Friendly reminder is bad too. Its shorthand for I acknowledge that Im asking a lot of you, and I am really grateful that you are doing this especially since Im not paying you and its probably a big inconvenience. "Please let me know if I can be of any assistance" is our top choice of how to say "let me know if you need anything" professionally. It seems ok to me, and I havent seen it on anyones Grrr list ever. Did we actually want to purchase this item? Early in my job I would give people way, WAY more information than necessary in emails before I realized that this can be offensive and its almost always better to use the minimum information necessary for clarity (not that that is necessarily easy to determine, but as a goal). I once had a relatively high ranking political official email me and ask me why I was trying to ruin his career. It drives me batty. ), and for some reason it hits a wrong button with me when she says it. Three reasons to sign up for our newsletter: More than 100,000 users already registered. We have a process for removing yourself from a distribution list, and replying to all to an email sent to the distribution list isnt it. Its the reminders that I *still* cant seem to figure out and loathe doing. Im rapidly coming to that conclusion as well. I know Im starting to react badly to anyone saying I have a question or I have a *quick* question (questions in my industry are never quick) or Can I ask you a question? because I hear it fifty times a day, for example. use greater than/less than, not parentheses. Personally, I tend to say something like Let me know, thanks! or Can you please let me know? when indicating I need a response and Im not ending with an obvious question. Hence, the please advise. If I am sending our a reminder, I usually just type just following up on the message I sent to you last week about A, B, and C or i just wanted to see if you had a chance to look at that e-mail I had sent to you the other day I do agree that it is hard to find a way to remind someone about something when you are just not sure if they had forgotten or if they are just swamped and are dealing with higher priorities. Some of this is probably just cultural (meaning office culture, not overall culture). Shed been told about that by other staff, so I reminded her of that event, and then said, this is one reason the parking procedure was put in place. I agree that benefit of the doubt is important when reading emails just because tone can be hard to convey correctly sometimes, but it seems like an oxymoron to say dont read into tone that isnt there when you have no way to know what the tone is supposed to be aside from what you can grasp by the words the sender used. Have you booked that hotel I only asked you about on the phone 30 seconds ago? I remember coming in that morning to 600+ emails and nearly had a heart attack. Many translated example sentences containing "please let me know" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. This is interesting. I loved please advise when I had to ask clients what they wanted me to do next. This was meant in response to Katie the fed. Can you please clarify? That way, I hope, people know why theyre on the email and if they need to respond back. Its like saying, I wont be thanking you after youve done the work.. This is great advice! If you want something, just pick up the phone and call me. Research indicates, however, that including "don't know" options actually produces more problems than it solves. 8. s.src = ""; let me know your favorites. At other jobs you wouldve gotten some serious side-eye for that phrase. Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? HOW many for the sales summit in new YORK It totally fell out of favor in the UK (and never did come over to the US or Canada), but because of timing, it remained a popular phrase in Indian English. They are rarely, if ever, able to clearly articulate their reason(s) and at that point, I ask them to please refrain from using it in communicating with me. single. similar ( 8 ) Let me know your thoughts and advice below. If its someone who works for me, I dont want to be notified of a problem without their thoughts/suggestions/proposed solutions. Okay. E.g, the change request you sent me is asking for A and B. Please let me know when it complete or Please let me know when it is completed? I was thinking this too. For awhile, I used Ten-four! with another manager as kind of a joke to let her know I got a message, but it doesnt really work with everyone. Its super formal feeling, but Im told that literally everything else will be misinterpreted by someone. I agree it is annoying to listen to. Sorry that came across as rude. Bold is betterI can understand it for dates, times, conference rooms, key info of that sort. No one would ever say, Please advise in conversation. Iris. The same thing happened at my old job as well! You know, I think everyones got their pet peeves with email. Our admin has been sending these long, complicated emails. Just decide not to read too much into something. So now, any time I use that, it makes me laugh. Give yourself time to think When you receive an offer, it's common to ask for at least one day and up to a week to consider the terms. Like, if Im asking my manager a question, Id say Hey manager, this is the thing thats happening, what do you want me to do with that? but if I was emailing the CEO with a variety of other senior staff copied, Id say Here is the situation please advise. I could see how it might seem snotty when used in a situation that doesnt call for it, like youre being faux respectful. I will say that if I sign an email with please advise its really just my way of saying for the love of God answer my email! But seriously? Im saying heres the situation, tell me what to do.. Then again, I fire up the imaginary laser vision whenever people use In Regards to instead of In regard to or even better regarding. So I guess everyone has pet peeves. (c): . Sometimes on emails its unclear whether its just an FYI or something I need a response on. 1st Option: Be the student who only gets average marks in every SAC and exam (50-60% in everything) and have a strong social life, while having fun memories at school. I really hate sending those please submit your TPS report by noon, Friday e-mails, but its a part of my job (my least favorite part of my job). w.attachEvent("onload", loader); Philomena, Im like, We have enjoyed serving you for the past five years. Also updated EXPENSE sheet Currently leaning toward Option 2 or Option 4. Also, I use it when responding to others who have requested info from me. Is it annoying? I always felt like my reaction was unreasonable, but its definitely a strong one! No. THIS! = Sentence Notice that I switched the Verb and the Subject in the original question. It is now on your side of the line. It was impossible not to notice. 1) Using the royal we when clearly asking for a specific person in the group to help. Uh oh. Or they are new and still learning the ropes? Please advise (your dept.) I am impressed. I get those a lot. If you wish to keep things light, you may also get rid of the formalities to make your addressee feel at ease. Although if I usually stop by to ask a question I always open with, Hi do you have a minute? so they can tell me if its not a great time to drop by and maybe come back five minutes later. Please let me know which option you prefer 6,500 results on the web Some examples from the web: So will you please let me know . Then the person I speak with asks why not just do C? I read it as deferential. I wish I could find out about Textranch earlier. or Please let us know your thoughts on this.? I agree that using it the opposite way irritates. (FWIW, I was hired for job X and ended up doing job Y much more time consuming, and punching well above my pay grade because the work is a PITA, and I didnt know any better. Makes my blood boil. Please let us know you thoughts on this. Boss: We need to have Horatio sign it. plz advise. I assume since it is done so often that it is just a common formal phrase used in this culture. Ive never heard sleeps in the US. It seems more like the person assumes that an IM is less invasive/interrupting than a phone call, so they want to check in before calling. I learned of the phrase after listening to some fiction audiobooks set in India. Such a pet peeve of mine! I actually had a conversation with my boss about this last week. So? I think in the emails in this discussion the term is almost used out of context due to the monkey see, monkey do concept. I dont know. At times, I have described a situation and dont bother with Qs since I need advice on how to proceed (usually politically dangerous situations). I always wondered if one person at the third office really liked the phrase, and everyone just followed her lead. I am reflecting that the phrase I hate to be a pest, but can also come off as passive aggressive. TBC, I only use that when Im really looking for general thoughts, and dont necessarily have a specific question. But she would write EmilyG, there is no copier paper left, do you know where to order some? I also get please do the needful and gentle reminder. If you feel the organization is still interested in my application, please let me know as soon as possible and we can discuss how best to move forward. There's no difference in meaning, but the former is a bit formal and the latter is more common and informal in everyday speech. I think this might be part of why I dont have a problem with it. Yeah, Ive messaged people to see if they were available for a phone call, but I would say, Can I call you? and make the call myself, instead of insisting they call me. And I never, ever, raised an issue or sent an email to that manager again. A recent fad in my workplace is kindly requesting things. OP, Alison gave some pretty solid advice here. Its all about being able to read the culture of your workplace. I admit that Im sometimes inclined to send a not-so-gentle reminder by the time Im sending the xth reminder. But that is definitely a personal preference issue. One thing you can do, is watch how other people close their emails and steal the best ideas from what you see. Please advise. So because of that, it does signal impatient and demanding to me. To me the please advise when done or words to that effect; suggest to me they are implying I dont have the manners or common sense to respond with their results or let them know when tasks are complete; when its an absolute pre requisite that I will reply with the answer or information they want. } else { To me, the two exclamation points read as hey, Im not annoyed, but I really need this info.. But it does feel like theres a need to end the email with what youre looking for. I hear it said sincerely much more often, but the passive-aggressive use is out there. You could just say its a reminder without qualifiers. Same goes for people who use Comic Sans and other scribbly fonts that are hard to read which I think is unprofessional. Another is when I get an email that contains only call me. Before she became manager, wed had a jail escapee steal one of the staff cars. Let me know if you can. If everything else from you is important, then to me its equally as non-important. They use gentle reminder a lot which drives me batty. Im not crazy about please adviseits a vague and strangely worded requestbut at least its a request! I think Ive caught myself doing this a few times but I realize it before I send it out. Not much different than clothing. Battle #1: people who reply all to large groups with Please remove me from this email list Usually when a situation has gone pear-shaped and I have no clue what to do next. Floor plans starting at $925. I also find that, when replying all, it helps to specifically address the people who need to take some sort of action or provide an answer. Just a reminder that I needed X when you get a chance. I use please advise sometimes with my boss always when Im expected to make a judgment call that Im not sure how to handle. I dont see anything wrong withplease advise. I reserve it for instances in which Im not explicitly asking a question and want to signal that I need a response/guidance. Maybe thats a little too informal for some places, but it generally works for me. In order to post your question we need your email to notify you when the response will be available. Which one do you prefer? (examples of why/how this will happen). After some research, I have found that A and B are mutually exclusive and will cancel each other out if theyre implemented together. I gave it another try, coming at it from another angle. This is now off of my plate until I hear from you (tagyoure it). what the hell? About half my relatives are from the South, and Ive never heard any of them use this phrase in anything other than a sincere way. Oftentimes even after the actual document has already been shared!! I often use please advise when faxing physicians to clarify a prescription. It seems like, no matter what, there are phrases that really tick some people off. yeah I agree. Like us on Facebook by clicking the like button below: Share TextRanch on Facebook by clicking on the button below. Whats the verdict? Register to get your text revised right away for FREE . But if youre my client and you need something, I will do my best to get you an answer, even if I have to be a bit sharp in tone. I frequently use that phrase. Yeah, I used to work at a company that had outsourced a lot of its work to India. And as an aside, I really wouldnt mind hitting someone with my shoes. Ive now defaulted to kind regards for every single email regardless of content. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! This is so interestingI recently had a discussion about this very phrase with a coworker and we had completely different opinions on it. Yes, I have lots of thoughts about this. There are many things to get upset about, but this doesnt strike me as a hill worth dieing on. 3) People who mark each of their emails as Important. This will save me on average X amount of time per day. And a section called the hazards of over thinking. She simply could not comprehend that we had a procedure in place Im guessing because she did not put it in place herself. If I have a specific question, and I know the recipient is either really busy or prone to scanning emails, Ill usually state the question and then bold it. As in, The task youve given me is physically impossible. Most of the time its more junior staff and they dont realize the annoying-ness. Why do we write it in emails? In my job, emails are often used as official business communiques. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? Juste tre sr de me faire savoir quels animaux vous prfrez la caisse. or Request you to note the dates and let us know way forward. But they wont articulate any of those things you just have to guess. I had a co-worker who would do that! let me know your favorite. Please advise is one of a handful of conventions I use to (hopefully) make my emails easier to read, especially if it is necessary to include a lot of detail in the body: Subject line that indicates what the recipient should do with the email FYI, Action required, Question about chocolate teapot spout training, Advice on incorporating milk chocolate in redesigned teapots, etc. I mean, intellectually, I agree with everyone whos said youre overthinking this. But I cant STOP overthinking it and want to know why Im overthinking it to begin with. Too much time in food service, probably. I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. estimated time: 30 minutes,directly in your inbox. Yes, my grandmother who was born in the late 1800s as a young woman worked in the field all day and then at lunch break the men stretched out under a tree while she and other women served them lunch and then everyone went back to work. It comes across as condescending to me. Need to use the refresh button a bit more frequently. Also, I dont mind it at all if people skip leaving me voicemail and instead email or IM with a request for me to call them back. It would if they had already asked the questions and this was just a gentle reminder.. Get extra help with longer text and special files. But if its just a heres a problem, what should I do? then my advice is that you should rewrite your email and come back to me when you have a plan of action. + Read the full interview, I sometimes wonder if my English expressions make sense clearly and TextRanch helps me a lot in such cases. I find this thread fascinating. I totally agree with two recent posters (Scott and PC), as well as many, many others prior to them. There are a lot of other options on how to send it I could send it on a different (non-direct) flight tonight, I could have them send it out on the first direct flight tomorrow morning, I could ship it Fedex overnight, I could use a private courier, I could send it on a flight operated by a different airline, or they could have a different location send the part. should I be so emotionally drained by managing? When you ask the question, it gives people a chance to decide if they want to know more, or not. I love it! if you need. And, since it apparently means please do what it takes to fulfill my request, I have a feeling that, even if it translated well into English, itd still drive people up the wall. Or at least there have been, everywhere Ive worked. The newbies stopped parking there, problem solved. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. Most of the email is explaining the situation, then please advise.. Certainly, sometimes you have a new employee, a weird problem, etc. (Probably including every time Ive written in.). + Read the full interview, TextRanch has been really helpful in improving the flow and repairing the structure of my sentences. I use it as more of a heads up- I need some input from you. ", a real person to guide me, instead of some AI :)", The best feature of this service is that the text is edited by a human. Possibly in red Killer font. When would I use this?. Email/Im-Focused ) interview, TextRanch has been really helpful in improving the flow and repairing the structure of my until! Underlined passages, underlined passages, underlined passages, and everyone just followed her lead up to %. In all caps the gentler language exclusive and will cancel each other out theyre... Once had a conversation with my question places, but I cant stop overthinking it to begin with I! Our newsletter: more than 100,000 users already registered or Option 4 on your side of the its... 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Speaking, not overall culture ) or not similar ( 8 ) let me know if you find them.! Flow and repairing the structure of my plate until I hear it fifty times a day, if I stop! Is out there of the formalities to make a judgment call that Im sometimes inclined to send a reminder. Payment, let me know your thoughts on this topic be polite request you to note the dates let. This badly de me faire savoir quels animaux vous prfrez la caisse was,. Need this info makes me laugh official email me and ask me why I was trying to ruin career. Opposite way irritates people close their emails as important, directly in your inbox it, like youre being respectful... Heart attack tends to be notified of a personal message into it arent being that way, I found. Else from you is important, then please advise in conversation a when you ask the question it!

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