how to cash in your birth certificate bond

how to cash in your birth certificate bond

Didge from Southern England on May 22, 2012: Quality hub! Simple: It isn't. The NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) coordinates trading of stocks (ownership shares of corporations), not individuals' birth certificates. You can get your forms on the . The car gives value to the title to the car. hahaha.yeah rightI may as well call the police. This number is the number of the CUSIP that is on the bond that the social security account is linked to. 3. As "Proof" pointed out, you have provided no evidence for your wild claims while "cherrycrime26" only claims to be revealing a controversial conspiracy theory. The Department of Debt Loan Payoff has discovered the credit and debt secret for you to pay any debt and bank loan. With that if anyone is out there who has went through the process sharing that information is worth sharing per her asking. Big waste of time and energy. Legally, you are considered to be a slave or indentured servant to the various Federal, State and local governments via your STATE-issued and STATE-created Birth Certificate in the name of your all-caps person. This study will look at some of the main subjects that are discussed about the redemption process. Creation of Your Estate The Credit-Based Hidden Financial System. but only for those serious about seeking the truth. Furthermore, the Savings Bond calculator is a tool used to calculate the value of a bond based on an issue date and denomination entered. R. Haynes, Hamilton's Curse looks like an excellent book, many pages can be viewed on Amazon. They make statutes to send you to jail and prison so they can take money out of the Priority Exemption Account. I first heard about it from a hitch hiker that a friend & i picked up. One shall checkout Dean Clifford's work on you tube; well worth your time class A Misdemeanor because according to the state you are contracting with yourself. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #'s then dash and then the final numbers. Check it out at Musicians4Freedom(dot)com. Gather Required Documents: To cash in your bond, you'll need to provide the government with a copy of the birth certificate and other necessary identification documents. There is a lot of fancy language and legal mumbo jumbo that in the end makes little sense. 1. I think the chaos has to play itself out. Some want to cash in! I have never heard of anything like this before. It is irrefutable evidence that a living, breathing, person was born, and its existence would be registered. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on December 18, 2012: @Kora Have you tried the Blacks Law Dictionary? Freedoms Daughter from Washington State on July 06, 2012: The information is out there if you take the time to look. Hence the title of Uniform Commercial Code. "We the People" Are Continuing to Gain Knowledge and Information. Instruction 10 Court Cases - Next you can look up any court case. The government is utilizing both their name and assets to trade in drugs, crude oil and various other commodities. So far I haven't found anyone or any links that can help me . This means that the process is only to be used for an "Accepted For Value" answer to any commercial claim. Apparently there's a scam based on the false a. I believe that most people will do nothing to redeem themselves simply because they believe they are better off being property of the state and that being held responsible for a government-created strawman is just fine with them. You give value to the title, the [your] birth certificate. In the meantime, it may be safer to continue to play along with the presumption, doing what they want you to do and saying what they want you to say, until or unless you gain enough knowledge, wisdom and confidence to exert your God given rights. IF YOU GET THAT CASH - YOU GET CASH FOR YOUR "BEING". Thank you. The answer to each of these questions is NO, or at least it should be! Press Go. Thanks for sharing this. You said it nicely.!. I cannot and will not provide legal advice at a personal level. Nonetheless, again, thank you for your effort in explaining it all to all. Justin Clark can u hook me up with the guy? Or is the entire UCC redemption process a deceptive maneuver, or trick, that will only bring about greater retaliation by the government agencies upon individuals associated with the process. This is a fact of legal procedures. I have published quite a lot of articles and videos related to people and rights. all of this is false information. any suggestions on attys specializing in redemption process? SHU - 2:35 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. County Stephenson County. This can be stopped if you learn how to lien your birth certificate bond. Instruction 3 - At the top of the page you will see DELAYED QUOTES. Good Morning, I wanted to know if you have heard of people who are in prison using the redemption process to get out of prison? While most bonds can be cashed immediately, some may be forwarded to Treasury Direct for further processing. This was done with the permission of Congress, and an executive order signed by the President. If you look into history you will see that the claims are relevant and because they are in debt they can not play apart in commerce so they use there citizens as collateral. The amount of people who took part in this process while remaining silent explains why this web of lies has been held in in place for so many years. The info you share helps to speed up the process and shorten the pain for all. This bond is also known by the human's name in capital letters. The Truth About Your Birth Certificate % He has a book, Adventures In Legal Land, that shows empirically why there are no citizens and no states. They're hidden. On the reverse of the certificate is a single letter (A-N) followed by eight numbers. We must get this out there! Is the Redemption Process an Attempt to Gain Something for Nothing from the Treasury Department? When you get the form it is up to the bank. This will give you all of the trading information about who is trading on the fund that the birth certificate is a part of. The book is complete with suggested solutions. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on July 21, 2012: @Invisbile-child, thanks for the info, every little bit helps :-). Use caution when attempting to receive benefits through the United States Treasury. greg g zaino from L'America- Big Pine Key, Florida on June 15, 2011: Hey Cherrycrime26- Voted 'UP' and shared on FB- this subject deserves more investigation. Obama is trying to tell people soething, wakeup. If you look at your Drivers license and Social Security card, your name is in all capital letters as well. appears to be down. Filing a UCC1 With the Treasury Department and Redeeming - HubPages I can't help but speculate that this could be your intention. STRAWMAN. i was a history major at Auburn and somehow it must have gotten by the staff- ha! Click on Symbol Look Up. ANY INFORMATION WOULD BE HELPFUL AND I WOULD BE WILLING TO PAY FOR INFORMATION FOR A REASONABLE FEE. This order would allow those in the order to own the world and everyone and every single thing in it. I AM ALSO LOOKING FOR ANYONE THAT CAN PROVIDE SOME LETTER TEMPLATES FOR THIS AS WELL AS TO DISPUTE DISPUTE THE VALIDITY OF DEBT FROM CREDITORS. Once processed through the Federal Reserve System and/or the Department of the Treasury, these transactions are bonded. It seems that over twenty five million Americans have successfully redeemed their strawman and achieved access to their strawman trust account before 26 May 2003. Wow Reality, you have shed a lot of light on this subject as I just found out about 2 weeks ago. Please be advised that trying to defraud the government by claiming rights to bogus securities is a violation of federal law, and the Justice Department can and has prosecuted these crimes. At the time of registration, the Corporation of the United States, through its Treasury Department, creates a bond. Click on Research. Within the Analysis and Control Division inside the IRS Building in DC, UCC Contract Trusts are processed and then the documents are forwarded to one of the two IRS centers. TheFrogNewsNetwork. People mistakenly . One is a very successful attorney, and neither one has been able to collect 1 red cent from the whole process. Enjoyed the videos too. There are no documented, proven cases but only theories of how the UCC and other law might be interpreted. This is not a simple process and you will have to educate yourself as to the correct procedures. (ie loans, car note, housing payment etc) I would think that anyone receiving info would do there own due diligence as for if they go out with half information and get burned who's fault is that. Social Security bonds will always say this because you cannot collect until maturity, which is retirement or disability. Invest in Blacks Law Dictionary. If they were so clever to set this up, then why would they leave such a loophole? Despite the blockage of information as well as being told false information "We The People" are continuing to gain knowledge and information regardless of being the target of threats and blackmail. Near the middles of the page you will have 2 options. The first question to discuss is the question of the birth certificate. Every Birth Certificate within 72 hours of a live-birth is being converted into a "Bond" with a calculated starting amount of money and then traded onto the world Stock Exchange Markets, without the knowledge nor consent of the person named on the Birth Certificate Bond. But you have to claim to be and file a UCC lien on yourself and your property. Comes to find out that everything in this article was true and that we are being used by the government like toys. Millions of Americans have consciously done nothing to disrupt the status quo even though they knew about the scheme and even benefited from the fraudulent system. When an application and Certificate of Live Birth is delivered to the Department of the Treasury in Washington, D.C., that certificate becomes bonded.

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