parasite character analysis

parasite character analysis

Parasite study guide contains a biography of Bong Joon-ho, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Its at this stage that the film makes you realise that no matter how low on the ladder of destitution the Kim family was (before they got employed by the Parks), there is always someone on the rung below you. Living in a state-of-art mansion. Were here to help. He fatally wounds Ki-jeong, stabbing her through the chest as the party guests erupt into panic and scatter. I finally caught the highly raved-about film, Parasite, after hearing nothing but praise for the movie from anyone who watched it. When the architect sold the mansion to the Park family, Moon-Gwang survived a change of ownership. More books than SparkNotes. The only thing I can think of is that the original housekeeper was in contact with the original tutor of the family. The Kims soon settle into their comfortable new life working for the Parks. Since then, the Park family had never spent Da-songs birthday in the house. Couldnt she have chosen to do so in broad daylight? Mr Kim and his children continue to hide under the living room coffee table as Da-song camps outside in the lawn, determined to have his birthday camping trip and probably fearful of returning to the house on his birthday. Today and maybe forever the Kims remain underground. The film centers on two families, one poor and one rich and the interactions between them that end explosively. Moon-kwangs husband escapes up the basement and into the house. She likes to play games with Ki-taek, calling him a cockroach and belittling him, as part of their marital dynamic. It also makes perfect sense to me that a family would have the same smell as they live in the same house and use the same soaps and detergents. Bong's designs included many staircases in the home that help the wealthy characters disappear off into their own spaces or can be used by the members of the poor family. The operatic music and effects when Mrs Park spotted Moon-kwang coughing into a tissue as she ascends the stairs into the house. Now he leads a pleasant life in the mansion with his wife Yeon-Kyo and two children. The original housekeeper, Moon-gwang (Lee Jung Eun), displaced by the scheme, turns up at the home while the Parks are away and begs the Kims to allow her husband, Geun-se (Park Myeong-hoon), to continue living there after they discover him. Upload images to make storyboards and slideshows. If not for the homicidal tendencies of the Kim family, she may well have lasted longer. He has good intentions, even if he is dishonest about how he achieves success, and just wants to create a better life for his family. ki-woo's sister, smart and tough, gains the upper hand with mrs. park by expressing expertise and confidence, says she . They fold pizza boxes for a delivery company to make some cash, steal wi-fi from the coffee shop nearby, and leave the windows open when the neighborhood is being fumigated to deal with their own infestation. The crime of the Park family is being unsympathetic, rude and selfish, despite their niceties and naivety. The friend is in love with the young girl and doesnt want another tutor slavering over her. It is the only common factor between the Parks' young boy and Ki-Woo. Da-song was perhaps the only hope the Park family had and still they collapsed. Ex-housekeeper Moon-kwang claims that she had left something important behind in the basement and was there to collect it. And then everything changes. It seemed intentional that the director lingered on this frame for a moment, hinting at a more sinister development to come. To take advantage of all of CharacTours features, you need your own personal The script for Parasite will get a ton of attention as its one of those clever twisting and turning tales for which the screenwriter gets the most credit (Bong and Han Jin-won, in this case), but this is very much an exercise in visual language that reaffirms Bong as a master. Soon enough, Ki-woo and Ki-taek secure positions in the Park household for their parents as well. But rather than leaving viewers in this dreamy state, Bong pinches them and returns to the apartment. Through the analysis of the audio-visual language of the movie, this article starts with the storytelling of Parasite, enumerates and analyses the elements that appear in the movie to reflect the gap between the rich and poor. Whats their function? Geun-se, driven mad by his own situation, smashes Ki-woo over the head with the rock and runs upstairs to the backyard, where he then stabs Ki-jung. Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ To access over 70 analyses of previous movie scripts we have read and discussed at Go Into The Story, go here. For his family members' employment, Ki-Woo manipulates the Parks into firing their original chauffeur and housekeeper without much thought about what will happen next. Challenge getting through his family's bad luck. Living in a musty semi-basement in the slums of Seoul, South Korea. 31 Parasite Character Analysis (Avoiding Spoilers) Grew up. After their home is flooded, Ki-taek tells his son that it is best to never have a plan, since plans never work out the way one expects. What is Mumblecore? We even learn that Moon-kwangs husband, like Mr Kim, also had a failed business venture in a cake shop. Chung-sook, the Kim family matriarch, not only knows how to be a good housekeeper but also knows when to call her family members out when they're full of it. Yes, he receives help from Ki-jeong and Ki-woo with the peaches, but he is the one who must do the talking afterward. On that fateful day, he ran from the backyard with blood on his hands not Mr. Parks, as one might assume, but his own daughters. Mr Park yells for Mr Kim to throw him the car keys, which unfortunately get stuck under Moon-kwangs husbands body as he falls. (Note: One of these ranked characters is a huge spoiler for one of the plot's biggest twists, so if you still haven't seenParasite, get on it and then come back and read this!). All three families at play are damaged by this explosive act of violence. For a moment, it seems as though the jig is up for the Kims as Mr Park is suspicious about the entire situation, but he foolishly chalks up the forgotten panties as a result of the chauffeur taking illegal drugs. It perfectly encapsulated each moment of the film, whether it was absurdist humour, dark humour, escalating tension, or setting the tone for future revelations. Lover of foreign films; hater of American remakes. His thoughtless comments were slowly building up resentment in Mr Kim, and further amplified the divide between the two families. The young man changes his name to Kevin and begins tutoring Park Da-hye (Jung Ziso), who immediately falls for him, of course. The Parks suddenly call, informing Mrs Kim that they would be arriving home in 8 minutes. Staircases are among the many things in Parasite that could be considered metaphorical, as becomes a refrain of the Kims son, Ki-woo (Choi Woo Shik). No. He has always been fascinated by pop culture and film. Staircases are an evocative symbol in Bong Joon Hos Parasite, a biting drama critics have named one of the years best films. Mr Kim is even needlessly proud when he discovers his childrens deceptive skills. The rest of the family hides as Chung-sook lets her in and Moon-gwang reveals a bunker in the basement of the house, a lair that was installed by the architect who built it, and which even the Parks have no knowledge of. as Ki-woo ( Ki-taek's son ), Park So-dam This causes Da-song to faint, and Mr. Park (Lee Sun Kyun) immediately demands that Ki-taek drive them to the hospital instead of tending to Ki-jung. For Part 1, to read the Scene-By-Scene Breakdown discussion, go here. Living in a musty semi-basement in the slums of Seoul, South Korea. All unemployed, Ki-taek's family takes peculiar interest in the wealthy and glamorous Parks for their livelihood until they get entangled in an unexpected incident. That he also manages to go into hiding in the Park's basement as did Geun-sae is pretty impressive given all the people that had to be going in and out of the house. The Park daughter is not entirely faultless; she seduces Ki-woo and her previous English tutor as well (Ki-woos friend), with Ki-woo even proclaiming the same pledge made by his friend that he would officially date her once she enters university. Each family has their own desperate reasons to continue leeching off the wealth of the Parks, and both would stop at nothing to do what is best or necessary for their family. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Its so clichd at this point in the critical conversation during the hot take season of festivalsto say, Youve never seen a movie quite like X. Such astatement has become overused to such a degree that its impossible to be taken seriously, like how too many major new movies are gifted the m-word: masterpiece. He may be the youngest of the Park family, but he is by no means the dumbest. Its here we can clearly see how money and richness have made the Parks blind and naive. Its evident that the Kim family lives in squalor. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. The films social commentary on class is at its strongest in this depiction of the lower classes fighting against each other rather than against the 1% who truly hold more accountability. Some time ago, she and her husband purchased the beautiful mansion from its architect. Parasite represents the most focused and refined approach to class as a subject that Bong Joon-ho has achieved, and thats certainly saying something given his impressive body of work. The emotionally-affecting resonance of the ending is the perfect cap to the wonderfully layered social commentary spread throughout the film. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. He writes his own letter back, in which he dreams about buying the house for himself and reuniting his family. Very soon, the Kims also manage to displace the longstanding housekeeper to make room for Mrs Kim to join the operation. Grabbing the knife Geun-se wielded, Ki-taek stabs Mr. Park and runs away. Parasite Analysis: Navigating the Shift At its exact mid-point, Parasite undergoes a massive tonal shift. He soon discovers, however, that Mr. Park does not like his smell, and feels deflated by this insult. In our Parasite movie analysis video, this mid-point scene was the focus. Ki-woo wakes up in the hospital and learns about what happens. There are plenty of subtle, comedic moments in the film that gave me a good chuckle, and some even managed to get a LOL from me. Mr Kim, already an accepting and adaptable character, was unknowingly triggered by Mr Parks reaction to Moon-kwangs husband as his pent-up resentment comes crashing through. The brilliant set dressing of Parasite combined with the striking architectural-design choices perfectly reinforce the themes of the film, but more on the themes after we finish our Parasite summary. Husband! as they descend into the depths of the bunker also do nothing to alleviate the building tension as we shockingly discover that her husband is in fact a mole person hiding and living right under the Parks noses and supplied food by Moon-kwang regularly, who even worships Mr Park for providing him with food and accommodation. At the start of the film, we are introduced to the Kims, a family struggling to live under impoverished conditions. Not affiliated with Harvard College. At every point, the viewer understands whose perspective were supposed to follow due to the tracking shots as we move with each character. Parasite Summary The film starts with the Kim family, a South Korean family struggling with poverty in a poor neighborhood in an unnamed city. Ki-taek, the father, begins working as the Park family chauffeur after the Kims have removed their previous chauffeur from his position, and similarly Chung-sook, the mother, replaces Moon-gwang, the housekeeper who has served the home longer than the Parks have even lived there. Yeon-gyo is a well-meaning mother and wife, but she's rather gullible. Guen-sae manages to get the jump on Ki-woo after he fails to murderGuen-sae with the rock given by Min. A tonal shift this extreme could easily take viewers out of the film or feel like a jumping-the-shark moment, but in the hands of Bong Joon-ho, this shift is portrayed in a way that not only feels effortless but greatly enhances each half of the film that preceded and follows it. For more Parasite movie analysis, check out our article on how Bong Joon-ho creates meaning through set dressing. Director Bong even uses a wider aspect ratio of 2.35:1 to not only capture a large family group in a single frame, it also gives the viewer the impression of wide spaces that dont allow for hiding spots. Thats all I can say without giving away major spoilers! Ki-woo makes some rather poor choices, too, though. However, things went downhill from there. The main themes are capitalism, deception, and violence. But, before we dig deeper into the social commentary, lets take a look at how the film managed to break through to an unmatched audience size. However, she has no ill intentions, and can even be credited for saving Ki-woo after he was attacked by Moon-kwangs husband. At some points, it seemed that the music didnt match the situation, such as instilling fear or anxiety in the listener when there was really nothing to worry about at the moment, but the sense of foreboding always pays off later in the film. open/close all folders General The Kim family The Kim family as a whole Kim Ki-taek Kim Chung-sook Kim Ki-woo Kim Ki-jeong The Park family The Park family as a whole Park Dong-ik Park Yeon-kyo Park Da-song Park Da-hye Other characters Min Moon-gwang Geun-sae Yoon Previous Index Next Watching the poor family leave their cramped semi-basement home to overtake the. He quickly convinces the mother Yeon-kyo, the excellent Jo Yeo-jeong, that the son of the house needs an art tutor, which allows Kevins sister Jessica (Park So-dam) to enter the picture. Improving the family's financial situation is the most important goal for Ki-Woo, and he remains hopeful of his future. "Parasite" is a marvelously entertaining film in terms of narrative, but theres also so much going on underneath about how the rich use the poor to survive in ways that I cant completely spoil here (the best writing about this movie will likely come after its released). The Kims return to find that their apartment has flooded with sewage water and try to rescue whatever valuables they can, including the fortune rock gifted to Ki-woo. The next day, Mrs. Park calls each of them in to work on Da-song's birthday party, which will take place on the lawn. Dong-ik isn't a terrible guy, but he isn't a great one either. The most interesting part of this dynamic film is the variety of characters. The Kim family, living in poverty, struggles to make ends meet by doing menial jobs such as folding pizza boxes for a local pizza shop. We can also see small hints at each of the Kim family members background, such as Chung-Sook aka Mrs Kims medal for hammer-throw hung on the wall. Interests smoking. Min-hyuk believes that Ki-woo poses no threat to his chances of eventually connecting with his student, Da-hye, and he knows that Ki-woo needs the money, so it is a kind gesture. Youve never seen a movie quite like Parasite. Dammit. One night, as the Parks are away on a camping trip to celebrate Da-songs birthday, the Kims break into the liquor cabinet and lounge in the Parks living room getting drunk and discussing their newfound comfort and the precarious situation. He stands in the woods near the Parks' house, which has been bought by Germans, and observes that the censor light is turning on and off in a patternMorse Code. I think that everyone, particularly the Kim family and Moon-kwangs family, showed parasitic behaviour. The characters are a reason for the success and we've ranked how smart they are. 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