david attenborough: a life on our planet transcript

david attenborough: a life on our planet transcript

A marked change in atmospheric carbon has always been incompatible with a stable earth. If the ice disappears, so does the algae that grow underneath. The ocean bears the brunt of this because it absorbs the excess heat of global warming. And the speed of global warming increases. The ocean is a critical ally in our battle to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. We cant cut down rainforests forever, and anything that we cant do forever is by definition unsustainable. When I filmed with the mountain gorillas, there were only 300 left in a remote jungle in Central Africa. Ive had the most extraordinary life. The global air temperature had been relatively stable till the 90s. It has hidden its secrets well because of the difficulties of filming underwater. But that rainforest is one of the key elements in the whole of the weather patterns of the world. In such places, huge shoals of fish gather. And beyond that strip, there is nothing but regimented rows of oil palms. Whole habitats would soon start to disappear. Baitfish are driven into tight balls by tuna, before they attack, then sharks and dolphins join the hunt; they're followed by gannets, and even a whale. And the reef turns from wonderland to wasteland. Despite its size, the Netherlands is now the worlds second largest exporter of food. Fossil fuels increase the greenhouse effect, releasing gases such as carbon dioxide. Uh The Human beings have overrun the world. 2020 | Maturity Rating: PG | 1h 23m | Documentary Films. But scientists started to discover that in many cases where bleaching occurred, the ocean was warming. A few millennia after this began, I grew up at exactly the right moment. All we need is the will to do so. Go behind the scenes of Netflix TV shows and movies, see what's coming soon and watch bonus videos on, Trailer: David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet. Addeddate The healthier the marine habitat, the more fish there will be, and the more there will be to eat. So there's not a profit in it, we still go killing it, and they throw a heck of a lot of it back. And that's because of the oceanic commons, as they say, the areas of the ocean in which anybody can do what they like. Still, energy use, production, transport, farming, and telecommunication have also shown their sinister side. If herds of animals couldn't travel to new grazing, they, along with predators, would starve. watch for yourself. At times, our ancestors existed only in tiny numbers, but just over 10,000 years ago, that number suddenly stabilized and with it, Earth's climate. A prequel to "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini," this film follows the love story of young Narendra and Ajeng who come from different backgrounds. 70% of the mass of birds on this planet are domestic birds. So let's go back to the beginning of this summary. We had very little understanding of how the living world actually worked. The predators help to keep nutrients in the oceans sunlit waters, recycling them so that they can be used again and again by plankton. Today, forests cover half of Costa Rica. With this in mind, David Attenborough has dedicated his life to educating us about our planet, and making discourses visible, through his captivating storytelling. Its the only way out of this crisis we have created. The pace of change was getting faster and faster. So, I had the privilege of being amongst the first to fully experience the bounty of life that had come about as a result of the Holocenes gentle climate. Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre | Transcript, The Sorrow and the Pity (1969) Review by David Denby, J.P. Morgan: How One Man Financed America [Transcript]. ATTENBOROUGH: Well, I'm not sure if you can take an overall view like that. Many new plant-based foods are on the market, and in the future, biotechnology may be able to use microorganisms to provide us with proteins. As much as 60% of farmland is devoted to beef production. And you see this curtain of green with occasionally birds in it, and you think its perhaps okay. Insects, our small hunters, and pollinators have reduced by one quarter. Attenborough launched an official Instagram account on Thursday, Sept. 24, in support of the film. SIMON: I - forgive me, but I feel the need to quote a movie in which your brother starred (laughter), "Jurassic Park," where the scientist says, nature finds a way. Thank you. Earth could be 4 degrees Celsius warmer, making farming in many areas impossible. And we understand that it's going to cost something if you put it right and that the Western and developed countries had more than their fair share. Our impact now truly profound. It is the only way out of this crisis that we ourselves have created. Starring: David Attenborough Watch all you want. So when he asks that people heed his "witness statement" about the peril humans . The earths plants capture three trillion kilowatt-hours of solar energy each day. Fish populations crash. It worked out the secret of life long ago. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet . The living world is a unique and spectacular marvel. The natural world will survive. Phytoplankton at the oceans surface and immense forests straddling the north have helped to balance the atmosphere by locking away carbon. The cycle of destruction continues as the sea life is trapped by or ingests this waste. [Attenborough] By working hard to raise people out of poverty, giving all access to healthcare, and enabling girls in particular to stay in school as long as possible, we can make it peak sooner and at a lower level. Large parts of the earth are uninhabitable. Just imagine that. With all these things, there is one overriding principle. Attenborough, David, 1926-2 Entertain (Firm) BBC Video (Firm) British Broadcasting Corporation; . Working with their traditional technology, they were living sustainably, a lifestyle that could continue effectively forever. David Attenborough: ( 00:48) For much of humanity's ancient history, that number bounced wildly between 180 and 300, and so too did global temperatures. [1] Initially scheduled for cinematic release on 16 April 2020, the film was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If we do things that are unsustainable, the damage accumulates ultimately to a point where the whole system collapses. Population growth peaked in about 1962. And powerful evidence that however grave our mistakes, nature will ultimately overcome them. The result is that the population has now stabilized and has hardly changed since the millennium. In his latest book and film, "A Life on Our Planet," he offers a grave and alarming assessment about . Half of the fertile land on Earth is currently farmed, and it's often overgrazed, over-sprayed with pesticides, and denuded of topsoil. Algal forests would not attach to ice, damaging the ocean food chain. Even as some of us were setting foot on the moon, others were still leading such a life in the most remote parts of the planet. Attenborough's wildlife journey started at a young age. Our planet becomes four degrees Celsius warmer. Rewilding the world is simpler than you might think. For 65 million years, its been at work reconstructing the living world until we come to the world we know our time. A world that demanded more every day. Pollinating insects disappear. Im talking about the loss of our planets wild places, its biodiversity. The very thing that gave birth to our civilization. This habitat was the subject of the series The Blue Planet, which we were filming in the late 90s. In the Frozen Planet series, filming crews noticed that the Arctic summers were growing longer, the summer sea ice had reduced by 30% in thirty years, and glaciers were far smaller. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet 2020 | Maturity rating: PG | 1h 23m | Science & Nature Documentaries A broadcaster recounts his life, and the evolutionary history of life on Earth, to grieve the loss of wild places and offer a vision for the future. Attenborough is now 94, and throughout his long life, has watched the natural world wither before his eyes. Fossils. But lines blur when a key informant makes a big ask. And then, every hundred million years or so, after all those painstaking processes, something catastrophic happens, a mass extinction. It revealed a cold reality. We all need to change our mindset, and we need to implement a new order right now. In the end, after a lifetimes exploration of the living world, Im certain of one thing. In 2014, a plane with 239 people aboard vanishes from all radar. Attenborough says, We run life on the planet to meet our own ends.. I got as close as I did only because the gorillas were used to people. Based on the comic book series by Mark Millar and Peter Gross. This is a series of one-way doors bringing irreversible change. The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome, Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are, An Introductory Guide to Deeper States of Meditation, Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun, 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind. The most remote habitat of all exists at the extreme north and south of the planet. According to David Attenborough, we have 'overrun the Earth.' Working together to benefit from the energy of the sun and the minerals of the earth. Urban farming is an option on rooftops, abandoned buildings, and exterior walls of city buildings. With nothing to restrict us, our population has been growing dramatically throughout my lifetime. That without such an immense space, the herds would diminish and the entire ecosystem would come crashing down. Iceland, Albania, and Paraguay generate their electricity without fossil fuels. The good news is that electric cars are already here. [reindeer grunting] [birds hooting] [buffalo snorting] [birds cawing] [elephants trumpeting]. The tragedy is that despite powerful stories such as this, including Dian Fossey's work with gorilla populations, and the creation of tiger reserves in India, wildlife habitats are increasingly endangered. Its an achingly intricate labor. For example, the Costa Rican government offered farmers grants to replant indigenous trees twenty-five years ago. "No fishing" zones cover less than 7% of the ocean. This most pristine and distant of ecosystems is headed for disaster. A monoculture of oil palm. Ive seen it with my own eyes. The 'why' behind this, points to global warming. We humans cannot presume the same. Its only now that I appreciate how extraordinary. Sunlight, wind, water and geothermal. He researched how the Earth had experienced massive eruptions at specific points, destroying many species. Farmers in developed countries could be incentivized to build biodiversity on their farms. Unlike land chains, which may have three food chain links, such as grass, to wildebeest, to lion, the sea has about five, so if we overfish at one point, we collapse the entire system. It seems utterly impossible that after such a devastating environmental disaster, there would be any kind of happy ending. We are ultimately bound by and reliant upon the finite natural world about us. To move from being apart from nature to becoming a part of nature once again. They capture 3 trillion kilowatt-hours of solar energy every day. As Attenborough cautions, the bleached coral is like canaries in a coal mine. The vast majority, chickens. Weitere Details. When you first see it, you think perhaps that its beautiful, and suddenly you realize its tragic. We eat 50 billion chickens a year and feed them with soy planted on deforested land. No one has lived here since. We can start to produce food in new spaces. SIMON: You're 94, but I have to ask, for all you have seen - almost a century - in times that have been bleak, where does this moment rank? Complete the sentences with words from the . The very thing that weve removed. And I remember very well that first shot. ATTENBOROUGH: Well, it could be gone. So, what do we do? The white color is caused by corals expelling algae that lives symbiotically within their body. The wealthiest 16% in the world are responsible for almost 50% of the environmental impact. The Netherlands is one of the worlds most densely-populated countries. The resources they used naturally renewed themselves. It was extraordinary that you could see what a man out in space could see as he saw it at the same time. Even orangutans play a role in this by spreading seeds as they search for ripe fruit. The last one is thought to have been a meteorite that struck Earth, destroying anything bigger than a dog. In Asia, the winds would create the monsoon on cue. A powerful shared conscience had suddenly appeared. We've adopted a fatalistic attitude that it's "too little too late." One of the significant findings was that we pay attention to the environment when it affects us. A boundary that marks a profound, rapid, global change. His book, "A Life On Our Planet: My Witness Statement And Vision For The Future" - and the highly honored broadcaster, historian of nature and best-selling author joins us now. Attenborough urges us to restore biodiversity. It was a great place to come to as a boy, because this is, um, ironstone workings, but it was disused. Otherwise, this is brilliant! Raising yields tenfold in two generations while at the same time using less water, fewer pesticides, less fertilizer and emitting less carbon. Even one as vast as the ocean. It was an astonishing vision of a completely unknown world, a world that had existed since the beginning of time. Tune in for a live pre-show 30 minutes before Chris set, followed by an aftershow. [Attenborough] Animals that had been viewed as little more than a source of oil and meat became personalities. And I believe we can do our best. In my time, Ive experienced the warming of Arctic summers. Emmy-winning narrator David Attenborough ("Our Planet," "Planet Earth II") looks back and shares a way forward. ATTENBOROUGH: I don't think it is a responsible thing to do is to simply say that what we see the future, it's very dangerous, and to hell with it. [whales singing] [whales continue singing]. Theres a chance for us to make amends, to complete our journey of development, manage our impact, and once again become a species in balance with nature. We were transforming what a species could achieve. Life cycles on, and if we make the right choices, ruin can become regrowth . Do the preparation task first. He researched how the Earth had experienced massive eruptions at specific points, destroying many species. [Attenborough] At the turn of the century, Morocco relied on imported oil and gas for almost all of its energy. There was an edge to our existence. They are the best technology nature has for locking away carbon. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. 1960 WORLD POPULATION: 3.0 BILLION CARBON IN ATMOSPHERE: 315 PARTS PER MILLION REMAINING WILDERNESS: 62%. And skeletal is precisely what these reefs were becoming. Oil and gas companies represent the largest businesses globally, heavy industry uses fossil fuels, and there's a hefty stock market investment in these companies. Nobody wanted animals to become extinct. And then we will suddenly discover that suddenly the seas are almost empty. In 1971, I set out to find an uncontacted tribe in New Guinea. And this is what they saw what we all saw. In a single small patch of tropical rainforest, there could be 700 different species of tree, as many as there are in the whole of North America. Indoors, within cities. By 1975, the average was two. The film's grand achievement is that it positions its subject as a mediator between humans and the natural world. The Happy Planet Index measures both an ecological footprint and human well-being component in a country. Farms take up a combined space the size of North America, South America, and Australia combined, with devastating greenhouse gas emissions. Interspersed with footage of his career and of a wide variety of ecosystems, he narrates key moments in his career and indicators of how the planet has changed since he was born in 1926. People were coming to care for the natural world. Regenerative and urban farming are two options. This trajectory is unsustainable, and the Great Acceleration will inevitably result in a "Great Decline.". By burning millions of years worth of living organisms all at once as coal and oil, we had managed to do so in less than 200. Half a million gazelle. Over time, I began to learn something about the earths evolutionary history. It had everything a community would needfor a comfortable life. We need to rediscover how to be sustainable. The Second World War was over, technology was making our lives easier. Synopsis. Its crazy that our banks and our pensions are investing in fossil fuel when these are the very things that are jeopardizing the future that we are saving for. We must rewild the world!" David Attenborough [thunder rumbling] [lowing] On the tropical plains, the dry and rainy seasons would switch every year like clockwork. A few days after that and theyre gone over the horizon. Great numbers of species disappear and are suddenly replaced by a few. Fishing is worlds greatest wild harvest. Filmmaker Sir David Attenborough has been documenting the natural world since the 1950s. 2020 | Maturity Rating: 7+ | 1h 23m | Science & Nature Docs. But its now becoming apparent that its not all doom and gloom. While the future of our planet may look bleak, Attenborough offers us hope and a vision for restoring our planet. The best time of our lives. We were apart from the rest of life on earth, living a different kind of life. It was a rediscovery of a fundamental truth. Did you know that 1.8 trillion plastic fragments are currently drifting like a garbage site in the northern Pacific? No one wants this to happen. Recordings like these revealed that the songs of the humpbacks are long and complex. Every human can make a difference, but we have to come together internationally, and support the many people already hard at work to save our planet. But to continue, we require more than intelligence. The pace of progress was unlike anything to be found in the fossil record. Pripyat is situated in Ukraine, and was built by the Soviet Union in the 1970s. We have pursued animals to extinction many times in our history, but now that it was visible, it was no longer acceptable. We cut down over 15 billion trees each year. But whether it will survive in the form that will include us in it is just another question. How do we reclaim farmland but also increase the food supply for a growing population? An amazing and delicate web of connected relationships exists everywhere, particularly in rainforests. The forest is growing, flowers and fruit trees blossom, and wild animals visit. If we take care of nature, nature will take care of us. In this trailer, he talks about his documentary . The living world will endure. You say in this book, with us or without us ATTENBOROUGH: Oh, well, yes. In international waters, the UN is attempting to create the biggest no fish zone of all. What has that done? They charted them as they moved across rivers, through woodlands, and over national borders. We had worked out how to produce food to order. Its covered with small family-run farms with no room for expansion. Leading lives that interlock in such a way that they sustain each other. We have arrived at locations expecting to find expanses of sea ice and found none. david frost jimi hendrix; Membership. David Attenborough is a famous British naturalist. It was the first time that any human had moved away far enough from the earth to see the whole planet. As much now as I did when I was a boy. Instructions Preparation David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix Watch on Transcript Task 1 Task 2 Discussion Have you seen any of David Attenborough's films? One man has seen more of the natural world than any other. Ive traveled to every part of the globe. ATTENBOROUGH: That means that nothing is safe. The longer they have to wait for the ice to return, the more they use up their fat supplies. Humpbacks living in the same area learn their songs from each other. After the death of their father, two half-brothers find themselves on opposite sides of an escalating conflict with tragic consequences. We account for over one-third of the weight of mammals on earth. Its quite straightforward. J.P. Morgan: How One Man Financed America is a fast-paced and informative portrait of Americas most prolific banker a man so powerful that when he died, the NYSE paused all trading for half a day out of respect. And there I was, actually being asked to explore these places and record the wonders of the natural world for people back home. It had everything a community would need for a comfortable life. I first witnessed the destruction of an entire habitat in Southeast Asia. What we see happening today is just the latest chapter in a global process spanning millennia. SIMON: What does that mean? A knight framed for a crime he didn't commit turns to a shape-shifting teen to prove his innocence. As Attenborough reflects on his life, he begins each chapter with three facts. Fast forward to 2021, and a far greater catastrophe looms. Without predators, nutrients are lost for centuries to the depths and the hot spots start to diminish. And all of them completely undisturbed by your presence. Sir David. Because what youre looking at is skeletons. And in less than 48 hours, the city was evacuated. All sorts of things that you had no idea had ever existed, all in a multitude of colors, all unbelievably beautiful. The world population was 2.3 billion, the carbon in the atmosphere was 280 parts per million, and the remaining wilderness was 66%. At some point in the future, the human population will peak for the very first time. This alga is vital because it's the start of the Arctic and Antarctic food chains. [exclaiming in surprise] And Im still learning. authoritarian parents often quizlet; worley sustainability; joshua blake pettitte; arizona snowbowl ikon pass; upadhyay caste obc or general; when do baby . David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet is a 2020 film by the documentarian and natural historian David Attenborough. In this world, a species can only thrive when everything else around it thrives, too. Search the history of over 797 billion A 12-year-old boy learns he's the returned Jesus Christ, destined to save humankind. On current projections, there will be 11 billion people on Earth by 2100. A story of global decline during a single lifetime. Then you deal so with the land. They discovered that the Serengeti herds required an enormous area of healthy grassland to function. It's a statement of his past experiences, what will happen if our current destructive path continues, and what we need to do to rehabilitate our remarkable planet. Nature, once again, had to start again. We must rewild the world. Thats the sort of commitment you need if you want to even begin making a portrait of the living world. We filmed 650 species, and we traveled one and a half million miles. [Attenborough] We had broken loose. Uploaded by This too is happening as a result of bad planning and human error and it too will lead to what we see here. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Ten thousand years ago, as hunter-gatherers, we lived a sustainable life because that was the only option. Japans standard of living climbed rapidly in the latter half of the 20th century. Be the first one to, David Attenborough - A Life on Our Planet 2020, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). [Attenborough] They ate meat rarely. Many people regarded it as the most costly in the history of mankind. A Life on Our Planet David Attenborough A legacy-defining book from Sir David Attenborough, reflecting on his life's work, the dramatic changes to the planet he has witnessed, and what we can do to make a better future.

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